Wonderful beauty: the unique charm of the texture inside the crystal

Wonderful beauty: the unique charm of the texture inside the crystal

Crystals are naturally occurring mineral crystals that are known for their unique internal texture. The texture inside the crystal contains a rich variety of forms and colors, which add beauty and personality to the crystal.
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Crystals are naturally occurring mineral crystals that are known for their unique internal texture. The texture inside the crystal contains a rich variety of forms and colors, which add beauty and personality to the crystal.

The internal texture of the crystal usually shows a parallel arrangement of crystal structures that form the toughness and stability of the crystal itself. As light passes through the crystal, these internal structures cause the light to refract and reflect, creating a rich variety of optical effects. These effects give the crystal a fascinating color and glow when viewed.

Crystal texture types vary, common include textured patches, streaks, dendritic textures, and internal atomization. Textured plaques are granular or bulky structures inside crystals, which can be homogeneous or heterogeneous composition. Striped texture refers to the formation of slender streaks inside the crystal, which may be caused by changes in the way the crystal grows or the chemical composition. A dendritic texture is a number of branching lines formed in the crystal, resembling branches, giving the crystal a fascinating natural texture. In the body, atomization refers to the appearance of tiny bubbles or mineral inclusions inside the crystal, giving the crystal a hazy effect.

1.Hair roots: Hair roots are the root of hair, and generally hair is composed of rutile and mica, which grow from black roots.

2.Mineral deficiency: The surface of the crystal is potholes, which are the traces left by the crystal during the growth process, which originally included other mineral crystals, and due to the surface polishing, the minerals fell off, leaving a vacancy

3.Cracks: Due to secondary cracks caused by the movement of the earth's crust, diagenesis is only produced after the surface is exposed, and some of the primary cracks have been repaired by hydrothermal activity in the later stage.

4.Ice cracking: Jade in the long growth process of its growth environment is constantly changing, crustal movement, earthquakes, etc. cause cracks inside its crystals, called ice cracks. It is common inside pink crystals, amethysts, and white crystals.

5.Associated minerals: For the main crystals, they often accompany within the same crystal because they have similar geochemical properties and common material sources.

6.Color band: During the growth of colored crystals, due to changes in the surrounding environment of the earth's crustal movement, dark and light colors will appear, resulting in the same crystal having two shades.

7.Black dot: The internal precipitate produced during the formation of the crystal is slowly precipitated to a point and is generally flattened and rounded in shape.

8.Mica sheets: Crystals produce internal precipitates during formation, which are concentrated in one piece and are larger than black spots.

9.Internal inclusion: Wrapped in symbiotic other minerals, the formation condition is that the crystal is a natural imprint formed by the influence of geological changes and other minerals during the growth process.

10.Cotton wool or cloud: There is a foggy feeling inside the transparent crystal, or there is a cotton-like substance present inside these crystals, which is foggy or cotton-like, commonly known as cotton wool or cloud fog. Titanium crystal, amethyst, tea crystal blonde crystal inside.

11.Flat mouth: Flat-headed beads are more common in crystal beads, and the beads are wrapped off in large pieces during the polishing process, and are smoothed to form this kind of flat beads.

12.Black spots: Crystal is a relatively brittle and weak product, so in the process of punching, it is easy to have some chips, but it does not affect its string bracelets and necklaces and does not affect his efficacy.

Overall, the internal texture of the crystal is one of its unique features, giving each crystal its unique beauty and charm. By observing and appreciating the internal texture of the crystal, we can feel the wonder of nature and the unique beauty of the crystal.


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